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rock devos

Thoughts from a friend

Rebecca Lightfoot

A friend of mine was also reading through 1Timothy while I was journaling/texting over the last few days,& he responded to me with a text/journaling of his own that the Lord has used to work on my mind/heart/life that last few days. With his permission,here is his response...and a huge reason that I thank Jesus for bringing friends/brothers in Christ like him into my life!

“My thoughts in reading this(last few days of texts/journaling) were about a leak in my ship, likely several...not too big to really worry about...its a pretty good ship...a good old boy of sorts...biding its time... but thinking I can take care of those things big deal...they might even take care of themselves  in the long run...probably caused by a little complacency...not a really bad thing ... but that is the downward spiral...the loss of focus that draws us way from the real Truth about the direction we are moving...lacking endurance to stay the course ...and the answer is always Jesus...and His guiding loving Spirit of mercy and grace..moving us to acknowledge our sin that creates the leaks that ultimately will push Him aside for our way....our pleasure...I agree , Lord, that I easily get distracted, Complacent, ornery, impatient and lacking in seeking you with my whole heart... Thank You...for drawing me back, accepting me as I am into your fellowship... and eternal life and peace!! Amen”. Dear Lord,thank you for the way you have brought this friend into my life,& for the ways that you have used him to open my eyes to so many things in my life...& encourage me with Your Mercy&Grace drawing me back to You as well!