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rock devos

Doer, and not just a Learner...2Timothy 3:14

Rebecca Lightfoot

After yesterday’s reading in Titus,and noting what George Barna says in his book “Maximum Faith” about so few professing Christians actually knowing what God Says about things,Barna next polls the less than 20% of professing Christians about how they live,how they think,how they make life choices,and the way they set priorities in their lives.The results reveal that of the less than 20% of professing Christians,less than 5% of them live,think,make life choices,& set priorities in their lives in ways that would indicate they truly believe what God Says and identify their lives as true believers/followers of The Lord of The Bible.They would probably pass an academic test on facts of the Bible,but their lives would indicate they are no different from the rest of the world that does not know what The Bible says and instructs.This is what 2Timothy3:14 encourages us about when it says,”...continue in what you have learned and have become convinced of..”And James 1:22-25 strongly encourages the same-“Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and,after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it—not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it—they will be blessed in what they do.”.The “blessing in what they do” needs to be taken in an Eternal Context...,not meaning “worldly rewards” that fade and are the antithesis of storing up treasures in Heaven as Jesus says in Matthew6:20,but blessings in ways that bring true fulfillment,true peace,true joy,true security,and truly store up treasures for us in Heaven!Living according to God’s Ways as described in The Bible will lead to a life that as we mature and grow older will not be filling our lives up with stuff that leave us with a need for more&never being satisfied,nor will it lead to a life of an increasingly sense of insecurity and regret.Instead,living a life “looking intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continuing in it..”,as we mature and grow older will lead to a life of growing peace and joy...,and increasing security in the Promises of God as HE has articulated in His Word...and lives that live,think,make life choices,& set priorities in ways that are different from the world around us and identify us as True Followers of Jesus Christ.Dear Lord,I have been a “reader and student” of Your Word,and skipped a lot of the part of having Your lessons become increasingly parts my mind/heart/life.Thank You for Your so Amazing Grace and Mercy that enable me to now ask for Your Help in continuing me in what I have learned about You and Your Word,and not forgetting these Truths...please guide and help me to be a doer of Your Word and not just a learner...