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rock devos

Titus 2:11-15

Rebecca Lightfoot

In the 2nd chapter of Titus we are given some very basic guidelines for living lives “continuing in” God’s Word,& “holding firmly to the trustworthy message(The Gospel of Christ)as it has been taught, so that we can encourage others by sound doctrine(Truths of The Bible) and refute those who oppose it”(Titus1:9).Paul gives instructions in the 2nd chapter of Titus for older men,younger men,older women,younger men,and workers/employees.Then in Titus2:11-15 Paul tells the “WHY” we should desire to live according to the Scriptures ->“For the Grace of God has appeared to all men.It teaches us..”.If we truly accept God’s Grace,then our appreciation for the gargantuan GIFT of God’s Amazing Grace will reveal the contrast between sin and Godliness,and catalyze a desire within us to begin the process of moving all of our mind/heart/life toward reflecting our endless appreciation for such an AWESOME FREE GIFT! (“It teaches us to say “NO” to ungodliness and worldly passions,and to live self-controlled,upright and Godly lives in this present age..”),& that this Godliness will change our mind/heart/life away from ourselves and onto those around us,giving us such a heart for those around us that our loving concern for them compels us to teach and encourage others about the TRUTHS in The Gospel according to God’s Word....,because we appreciate the Eternal Significance of The Gospel in God’s Word.Dear Lord,I confess that much of my days are lived oblivious to what I read in Titus2...Forgive me...,and help me to be increasingly aware of the TRUTHS of these verses and also aware of Your Spirit in my life desiring to guide me and help me to not just be aware of these TURTHS...but to know the sincere desire to “become” what these verses beg me to become.