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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

God created every one of us to know HIS Great & Perfect Love. GOD created absolutely everything to reveal HIS Awesome Glory & Righteousness to us, so that WHO & WHAT HE is would “woo us” 2to HIM & HIS AMAZING LOVE for us! In doing so, we would know The ONLY Source of LOVE & the blessings of “being close” to THE SOURCE of ALL LIFE and ALL that is GOOD. !When we survey creation we should be awed by how perfectly all things were created, & the beautiful wonder of “purpose” n everything - too reveal GOD’s Glory; Righteousness; & Love to us! In Creation’s initial state, before sin “fractured” it’s pristine (Glorious&Righteous) state, everything was in balance with it’s perfect purpose (Genesis1:31a,”God saw all he had made, & it was very good.”). Everything was created for our benefit, so we would know what LIFE at it’s BEST is supposed to be! Life w endless abundance of knowing all the BLESSINGS GOD created us to enjoy. Especially the gift of knowing what “it is” to be loved so amazingly by GOD, and know HIS Glorious Personal Devotion for each one of us! When sin of any kind enters our lives, we are in essence lured away from God’s Loving Kindness & away from His Devotion/Promises/Blessings for us. Just as a man or woman with the perfect spouse may “allow” themselves to be “tantalized/tempted” away from a perfect spouse by what boils down to deceitful thoughts & promises, we allow the same when sin of any kind enters our lives. And just as this “marriage unfaithfulness” exposes an unfaithful spouse to physical & emotional diseases that can destroy, sin has the same effect on us n this life & for Eternity! This breaks God’s Heart, as it would break the heart of a Perfect Spouse when betrayed. God does not “give up easily” on us though! In His Great Loving Perseverance/Patience HE allows us to know the consequences of sin, so we may see the TRUTH of it’s vile deceit, & return to the FAVOR of HIS Mercy/Grace/Amazing Love. This is part of what the life & message of Hosea is about. In chapter 1, Hosea’s life is a “real world/real life awakening” for the people around him of how twisted they have allowed their unfaithfulness to become, & what this has done in their lives-> revealing the “chasm contrast” of what TRUE Love is with what “deceitful/false love” is. But, in Hosea 2:14-23 God’s Amazing Persistence/Never Ending Pursuit to “win us back” is clear! (Hos2:14-23.”Therefore I am going to allure her....& speak tenderly to her...give her back her vineyards (original blessings HE created for us) will call me ‘my husband’, you will no longer call me ‘my master’...I will show my love to the one I called ‘not my loved one’...they will say ‘You are my God’”.) God promises to go to All Extremes in order to win the unfaithful back...with the Ultimate Extreme being what Christ suffered to WIN us back! Dear Lord, forgive me for unfaithfulness in my life & heart. Open my eyes to YOUR ways of “wooing” me back, and help me turn from all unfaithfulness...& be faithful to YOUR Great Love for me!