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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

One of the purposes God has given us The Old Testament is for us to learn more & more about HIS Character! Especially what HIS Absolute Holiness&Righteousness looks like & how HIS PERFECT HOLY & RIGHTEOUS CHARACTER impacts all creation! If we don’t seek to appreciate these, we will never begin to know the full extent of the VALUE of The Mercy & Grace that Christ made possible for us to be given! In the 1st 4 chapters of Amos we see that God’s Holiness & Righteousness is absolutely perfect & pure! Because of the ABSOLUTE HOLINESS & RIGHTEOUSNESS of God and HIS OMNIPRESENCE, ALL things are seen and revealed in HIS presence, and ALL things that fall short of being Holy & Righteous must be dealt with, or they spontaneously combust in the presence of HIS HOLINESS & RIGHTEOUSNESS! When we “peel the onion” on the sins God describes in the Amos1-4, all Unrighteousness, & all Unholiness are seen by God - our actions; our words; our motives; our hearts! God does not let us know of these things in order to hammer us with guilt, but so that we will TURN to HIS Great & Awesome Mercy & Grace to be washed of all our sin so we CAN be in HIS PRESENCE. In Amos 5 God reveals HIS humongous HEART when HE pleas with the people(us!), ”Seek Me & live; do not seek Bethel(false gods/idols)...Seek The Lord &live...!” With an appreciation of the significance of God’s Character, we can begin to more fully appreciate HIS GREAT LOVE and DESIRE for us, and the freedom of Romans8:1-4,”Therefore ,there is now no condemnation 4 those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life (God’s Holiness&Righteousness) set me free from the law of sin&death (UNholiness&UNrighteousness). And So HE (The Lord)condemned sin in sinful man, in order that the righteous requirements of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit (the Holy Spirit).” ONLY by trusting in Christ are we made Holy & Righteous in God’s Sight/HIS Presence! I praise YOU Lord for YOUR absolute Holiness & Righteousness being made clear for me to know just how ETERNALLY SIGNIFICANT YOUR CHARACTER TRAITS are for all of us to see…and that YOUR Character also defines YOUR Awesome Love that has provided The Mercy & Grace of Christ for me. May Your Character made known to me thru Your Word & Spirit continue to reveal what remains as UNrighteous&UNholy in my life so that The WORK of YOUR GRACE through YOUR Spirit & YOUR WORD may continue n my life!