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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

We live our lives 1 of 2 ways: 1) seeking to know & honor the Lord God; or 2 )all other ways! If we try to “mix” the two we are fooling ourselves into listening to & following “false prophets”. This is what the false prophets were doing in Micah’s time, and what is happening in our time! Micah2:6-11 addresses this directly - the people had been living according to a mixed bag of principles & precepts that were “flavored with” God’s Word (too make the people “feel better/feel religious” about themselves) but tainted with a virus, the root of which is anything that is not true to God’s Character and HIW WAYS as revealed through His Word. We actually don’t even need the “help” of false prophets to become tainted with this virus. Our personal thoughts/desires left “unattended” can be enough to give life to this same virus in our lives. God PERSONALLY addresses this in Micah2:7b, when HE says, ”Do not my words do good to him whose ways srr upright?” In other words, God gives us THE ANTIDOTE for this virus! HIS WORD! But, just like a medicine prescribed by a doctor does us no good unless we “fill” the prescription, then read & REGULARLY follow the instructions for that prescription all the way to the end of that prescription, so we must REGULARLY read & follow God’s instructions for our “cure”...all the way to the end!! If we quit taking the prescription when we start feeling better (before taking it to the prescribed full dose) we run the risk of that illness coming back...and “IT” always will! Lord, I wax & wane a lot in the way that I seek & follow Your PRESCRIPTION/Your Word for my life. Please motivate me/encourage me to regularly seek & follow the “prescription” that You have for me every day...revealed to me through Your Word & Your Spirit!