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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

Micah’s environment is not much different from ours, full of chaos & temptations of all kinds. He is a seeker & follower of the Lord in the midst of a world that has very different ideas about life - varying degrees away from what God describes as “Right & True” life! Micah says something that makes us come to a full stop in Micah3:8a; something that we need to understand & seek ourselves ->”But as for me, I am filled with the power of the Spirit of the Lord & with justice & might...” In his life, Micah has a “power” that we all need…one that only comes from seeking & trusting & following The Lord, a power that lifts Micah from a “worldly life”, to one that reckons his “eternality”& draws “power” from it. Whether we live like it or not, WE ARE ETERNAL BEINGS! We must admit that there is something inside all of us (even those that will claim “this is all there is”) that resonates with the fact that WE ARE ETERNAL BEINGS! When we reckon the TRUTH of our ETERNALITY, there are “rumblings & unsettlednesses” within our being that beg resolution. But many times, “the cares of the world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the word” (Matthew13:22), divert us from answering the call from within for RIGHTEOUS HOLY TRUTH, & we settle for answers that suit our worldly cares/concerns/desires instead. The latter leaves us with a restlessness that never allows us to have genuine peace & joy & power that “surpasses all understanding” (Philippians4:7). But when we humble ourselves and allow ourselves to seek TRUTH that comes with an “ETERNAL CONFIDENCE”, our hearts/spirits/souls are miraculously drawn to God’s Grace & Mercy by HIS SPIRIT! Then when we “align” our lives w the SOURCE of and POWER of ETERNITY, we begin to know HIS PRESENCE & HIS POWER in our lives. Just as the strength of a magnet is dependent upon “Right Alignment” of the particles inside the magnet, so the “Real Strength” of our lives is dependent upon the “Right Alignment”of our hearts/minds/life with The Source and Creator of all life. This is the “power” that Micah has in his life in the midst of a chaotic world. Lord Jesus, I have so many “cares of this world” that divert me from You and the “power” that Micah talks about….Help me to discipline my mind & heart so that these diversions do not take me away from seeking & following & knowing You & the Joy; the Peace & the Power that You want me to bless me with...