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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

A theme in Micah’s recording of what the Lord said to him (Micah1:1,”The word of the Lord came to Micah..”) is our ETERNALITY, & God’s infinite desire for us to live throughout Eternity in the place that Jesus has gone to prepare for us (John14:2b, ”I am going there to prepare a place for you”). And God’s Heart is broken over any that will not live n Eternity with Him (2Pet3:9, “The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance”.) In Micah, God is reminding the people of His sovereign intervention in their lives for the sole purpose of getting their attention about Eternal Things & “life matters” that impact their Eternal Destiny. God is so concerned about our Eternal Destiny that HE makes us aware that our desiring of “Worldly Comforts/security” can so overwhelm us so that we make temporal choices & decisions that have little to no concern about where we are headed to live n Eternity...the very decisions & choices we make that may “impact” our Eternity”. The people hearing & reading what God was saying through Micah had let their lives & hearts & minds become so entangled with selfish desires/thoughts/ideas/opinions,etc., counter to God’s paradigms for thought & life that they had “lost their way” & gotten far off the path that would lead them to living in The Place that Jesus is preparing for us. God’s LOVE is so GREAT that HE makes it “simple” for them/us in Micah6:8 to fully understand what is “required” of us in order to secure our ETERNAL life with HIM - >”He has showed you, O man, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love Mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” To “act justly” is living according to principles & precepts that are RIGHTEOUS & HOLY...which just happen to be The Best for us! God gives us instructions for these in His Word. They are not complicated, in fact very simple if we don’t COMPLICATE/TAINT them with our personal versions that fit our “selfishness”. To “love Mercy” is to know our personal need for a MERCY that will wash away all our sin (through Christ alone), and to have this MERCY change our lives as we truly LOVE as God LOVES us with HIS AMAZING MERCY. To “walk humbly” with our God, is to get up every morning seeking to know where HE is, and then grab His Hand & follow His Lead as we “walk” through our day. We are His Children! And He so desperately desires for us to live throughout all Eternity with Him n Heaven that HE “makes it simple” ,through the Mercy of The Gospel of Christ! Dear Lord, I make this complicated throughout my day with so many selfish desires/ideas/thoughts/opinions, etc., that lure me away from Your Guiding Hand. Forgive me, and help me to place my hand n Your Mighty Hand to guide me through my days, falling more & more n Love w the Mercy You provide for me through Christ!