Rebecca Lightfoot
In our current state, and with all the ideas we have about life as we know it in the here and now,it is impossible to fully perceive the Awesomeness of God; and the Infinity Nature of His Attributes! One day everyone is going to know His Attributes & have an up close and personal “view” of His Awesomeness! A thought I have had recently is being blown away by the fact the when Jesus walked the Earth, THAT was Almighty God walking among people and giving HIS message about HIS Loving Acts of Suffering and Sacrifice for everyone! Because people did not “have ears to hear, nor eyes to see”, they were so messed up that they totally missed Almighty God Himself reaching out to them...they totally missed the EXPERIENCE of being in the PRESENCE of The Creator of all things; the POWER that created and sustains all life; the very ONE that created them! In Revelation 4 John is brought into the Throne Room of God, & what we read is the a description of the Awesomeness of what the Presence of God and ALL of HIS OMNIPOTENCE; OMNISCIENCE; OMNIPRESENCE; AUTHORITY; LOVE; BEAUTY, & so much more that we will never fully appreciate! This is THE GOD that has placed HIS SPIRIT inside everyone that trusts their life into The Mercy & Grace of Christ! I am much like the people in the New Testament that were not in AWE of WHO walked and talked among them. Almighty God’s Spirit is in me! And yet I am not in AWE of Almighty God Himself being the Very One that beckons me to spend time with Him; seek Him in His Word & in prayer; & trust Him enough to follow Him and His instructions in my days with every step I take; every thought trail I take; every discernment I seek; every perspective I have for those I come in contact with...! Dear Lord Jesus...I am missing so much because of my lack of grabbing the TRUTH of YOUR Spirit living inside me for my own GOOD. I need to be blown away by YOU being THAT SPIRIT! I pray for Your help in opening my eyes and ears and all that I am to this REALITY! And may I have YOUR help in remembering this throughout today, and all my today’s to come....and may I be so AWED by this fact that everything about me is changed with every breath I take.