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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

After Jesus talks with John about the challenges we all face in our relationship with Him,the very same that 6 of the churches were facing...Revelation 3 ends with Jesus making a personal invitation to everyone! Rev3:20 is Jesus saying -“Behold,I stand at the door and knock;if anyone hears My voice & opens the door, I will come in to him, & will dine with him, & he with Me.He who overcomes,I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne,as I overcame & sat down with My Father in His throne.He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says.”Unfortunately,not everyone has “an ear” that will hear Jesus’ voice/know His presence in their mind/heart/life.The very things that prevent our hearing/know His presence are those that were just articulated to 6 of the churches! 1)Distancing of our heart/mind/life from true devotion to Jesus and His Word: 2)A perspective on life that is temporal versus eternal,thus steering our mind/heart/life away from understanding & appreciating God’s Ways & God’s Love.3)Contaminating TRUTH with all sorts of ideas & ideals that do not line up with Absolute TRUTH.4)Living 2 lives! 1 life that “shows faithfulness” to the Lord for outward appearances,while having another life of selfishness & greed of other things.5)We claim to be Christians,while the priorities in our mind/heart/life reveal we are not.6)Comforts&Securities of our personal environment rob us of the TRUE Refreshing & TRUE Blessings of knowing Jesus Christ’s presence in our life.What Jesus tells the church in Philadelphia though is unique to the groups of “believers” HE addresses.This group of believers are unique to all others in that they “have kept My Word,& have not denied My name”!These people had a perseverant determination to keep their minds/hearts/lives TRUE to God’s Word,& thereby honor God with their thoughts;their words;their emotions;their plans;their actions;& the way the humble way they kept their lives dependent on The Lord.The 6 groups of “believers” that Jesus warns of their challenges to having a TRUE relationship with Him,have the same challenges that we face...the things that make it extremely challenging to “have ears” that truly hear what God has to say about life & know His presence in our life.And if we don’t truly hear what God has to say about our lives,then we must ask,WHO are we truly listening to!?The group of “believers” in Philadelphia knew that they needed HELP to stay TRUE in their relationship with The Lord.Rev3:8b says,”BECAUSE you HAVE LITTLE POWER,and have kept My Word,& have not denied My Name...”These people humbly knew that they NEEDED their lives to be dependent on God’s Word for the strength/power they needed for every day,& their minds/hearts/lives faithfully revealed a TRUE & FAITHFUL Love for The Lord.Dear Lord,I need Your help,just as the people in Philadelphia knew they needed Your help.I pray for Your HELP in keeping a sincere hunger for Your Word,and May Your Word satisfy & fulfill my mind/heart/life in all ways,so that I my mind/heart/life may always honor Your name.