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rock devos

Rebecca Lightfoot

Immediately after Jesus reproved/admonished the people in Revelation 2-3,Jesus says,”Those I love,I reprove & discipline;be zealous therefore & repent.Behold,I stand at the door & knock;if anyone hears my voice & opens the door,I will come in to him,& will dine with him,& he with Me.He who overcomes,I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne,as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne.He who has ear,let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”SO! If indeed I “hear” what Jesus has said to the 7 churches in Revelation2-3,then I am one that is included in “Those He loves”...those He is speaking to as a perfect loving father would speak with his heart about concerns he has for his child,hoping with a HIS heart full of loving desire that HIS child will take to heart and heed the heart cries of the father’s perfect love.Revelation 2-3 are conversations The Perfect Loving Father is having with us,because of His overwhelming loving concern for our heart & soul...and His Awesome Desire to have each one of His children in His Lap...,enjoying a personal relationship with Him..& knowing His Voice.If our mind&heart are sincere about knowing The Only Perfect Father God as one of His children that can crawl up into His Lap at any time...,then we will take to heart the messages addressed to the 7 groups of people in Rev2-3.And we will make it a point to regularly be reminded of these messages and regularly take them into our heart as the very Love Messages from The Lord meant to tune my heart&mind&life in ways that make it possible for us to know His Presence and to hear His Voice every day we live.Dear Lord Jesus,You have used this message in many ways in my life,but I so often have missed Your Hearts Cry for me to respond because of Your Great Loving Concern that I be with you and walk with You every day....and what THAT KNOCK at the door of my heart means for me personally! I pray to be reminded of this regularly..& for Your help in taking Your Words to heart...